Friday, July 30, 2010
Flower Pots at Starbucks
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Catholic Worker Movement in Central Minnesota
A small core of people has been meeting for the past year in an effort to foster community in the spirit of Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin. This core group will publish a periodic newsletter, sponsor Catholic worker roundtable discussions and engage in prayer and reflection. We welcome others to join us in the beginning efforts to form a Catholic worker movement in the St. Joseph-St. Cloud area.
“We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community.” Dorothy Day
To be added to our mailing list for the newsletter and updates on meetings, please e-mail me at To learn about the Catholic Worker Movement, click here.
Submitted by Eunice Antony, OSB
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Summer Evening Bike Rides

Benedicta had a strong spirit like that of early American pioneers and she used it well. She came to bring the life and work of Benedictine women to America. It’s almost as if she knew she had only 10 short years in America before sickness would claim her life. She worked tirelessly to assure that American Benedictine women would be free to shape their lives and to govern themselves as was their history. Benedicta did accomplish this, but not without difficulties and setbacks. We here at Saint Benedict’s in 2010 continue to benefit from her unwavering purpose.
I take so much for granted. I’m glad the bench is there. It invites me to stop, reflect and be grateful.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Markout of Mercy
Rest and Relaxation!
Last year the team at the Spirituality Center decided to offer one day a month that we call R & R Day. This no-fee day is a gift from the Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict to the people of Central Minnesota. Our hope was that it could be a relaxing day in which to experience God’s presence in one’s life. Any time between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., you can find a quiet and peaceful place. Optional opportunities include a short presentation at 10:30 a.m. and group lectio divina at 3 p.m. You may walk the grounds of the campus and woods, walk the labyrinth path, read, or just sit and stare! A visit with a spiritual companion from the Center is available.
On July 9th, the number of people who came exceeded all our expectations. Picture 21 people gathered in one place spending a day in quiet reflection. No TV, no phones ringing, no computers, just silence, bird song and heartbeats. Imagine seeing women and men sitting in a quiet space reading, or outside writing in a journal, walking with no real purpose other than the slowing down of one’s life. Imagine the thoughts, prayers, insights, hopes and dreams being played out in the silence. There was a great sense of peace and at the same time an awareness of profound inner activity.
It seems to me that this is one of the truest ministries of our monastery: to offer this place and space to our sisters and brothers in the world around us. One of the significant spiritual practices of monastic life has always been what is called lectio divina, “holy reading.” There are three books that have been read for centuries in monasteries all over the world: the book of nature, the book of Scripture, and the book of one’s own experience. Each of these books can slowly lead us to the revelation of God’s marvelous presence in our lives. But one needs space and solitude to plumb the depth of these books. We hope Saint Benedict’s Monastery provides you with that space and solitude and we look forward to seeing you at the next R & R.
R & R days are scheduled for Friday, October 1 and Monday, November 8, 2010. Click here to learn more about the Spirituality Center and subscribe to our e-newsletter alerting you to upcoming events.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Green Apron without Strings Attached
In the monastery car I use for work, I always have a Starbucks green apron in the backseat. Therefore, when I need to go to work I know it’s available -- unless of course I've spilled something on it and it needs to be cleaned. Which is quite often, since I am beginning to think I am the Lucille Ball of Starbucks.
This week I got two texts from partners asking for help to cover a shift. One wanted to go and enjoy a nice summer day with family and the other one was ill. I didn’t plan on working at Starbucks and had other things on my schedule. I texted back and said yes to both of them and rearranged my schedule.
True generosity of time without expecting payback goes a long way in connecting to the heart of people. This has been modeled to me by my pastoral colleagues in ministry and Sisters in our monastic community. One Sister in particular is there for everyone and gives generously without ever expecting anything in return – no strings attached. When I grabbed my keys and apron to go to work, I thought of this Sister and how she has impacted my life. The gospel of grace and love has no strings attached. It is pure generosity. The Rule of St. Benedict says that we are to run in the inexpressible delight of love; how much faster we can run with no strings attached?
Put on the green apron and run with generosity.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
"In the Silence rests my freedom"
This brief exchange has stayed with me, lingering in my spirit as if desiring to awaken a teaching, a truth about life. I found myself resonating with the desire to hold boundaries. I have asked myself why this is so important to me. What is my underlying desire? Looking for an answer, I continue to engage in the exploration that draws me to greater insight. These are a few of my musings. Boundaries create space to be, to hear, to see, to stand in the present moment. In this milieu there grows mindfulness, an awakening of senses, which opens my heart to a deep and abiding gratitude. Boundaries help me to claim what I value, what I most desire to hold close to my heart. Boundaries have a way of claiming me.
Benedict’s wisdom, all things in moderation, helps me to avoid absolutes or the polarization of goods. It also helps me to ask the tough questions of myself. How much is enough? What gods have claim on my attention? Can I risk being “unplugged” from social networking for thirty minutes, an hour, or a day, in order to give myself freely and openly to my community?
In the Silence rests my freedom and my guidance… Psalm 62, translation Nan C. Merrill
For original source of photo, click here.
Celebrate a Faithful Person Month

The most recent simple pleasure was seeing our garden patch, weed free, brimming with lettuce, spinach, cilantro, cucumbers, zucchini, herbs and well over knee high corn. There’s something about the faithfulness it takes to keep a garden thriving that enhances the flavor of its produce.
Faithfulness is not necessarily an abundant commodity these days. That’s why I delight every time I see it celebrated. Somehow I wish we could declare July as “Celebrate a Faithful Person” month. It definitely fits with the faithfulness of all our veterans. This could also be an invitation to celebrate someone you know who would never think of himself or herself as famous or extraordinary. Wouldn’t your friend, family member, neighbor or coworker be surprised to receive a rose or special note from you thanking them for what they have taught you about faithful, steady support?
Faithfulness was acknowledged at the recent Fourth of July celebration in St. Joseph, Minn. The grand marshal for the city’s parade was Esther Reischl. For 35 years she took care of children as a “nanny” and she volunteered for 30 years for the Veteran’s Administration and the American Legion Auxiliary and over 20 years at Saint Benedict’s Monastery in housekeeping. She regularly drives people to appointments, helps with lunches at the local grade school and meals after funerals. She is known among St. Joseph residents as someone who always can be called on if someone needs help. The applause and shouting that arose when she drove by in her vintage convertible gave tribute to her steady generosity over the years. Tears of appreciation and broad grins accompanied the applause!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Cants Can Do at Starbucks
Being self-conscious of my “high waters” and lack of style around the young adults at Starbucks, I mentioned my “high waters” to a fellow barista. She told me, “Sister Trish, we will call them ‘cants,’ a new style. We’ll take the ‘c’ from capris and put it on the ‘ants’ of pants to make cants." We both loved the new style and proudly displayed to my fellow workers my stylish cants. Now I come to work proud of wearing my cants or, if I don’t, the other baristas ask me, “Where are the cants?”
Hmm… dirty in the laundry basket... I’ll have to go with pants or capris today.
You know you are part of a family and community when the marginal, different members or pieces of clothing all fit in and are welcomed and honored. Starbucks understands the Rule of St. Benedict— all are to be received as Christ. How interesting that the Rule is experienced in so many different shapes and forms, both in my monastic community and with my fellow baristas at Starbucks!
submitted by Trish Dick, OSB
for link to original photo, click here.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Who are the Nuns?
One of the most exciting things I carried away from the History of Women Religious Conference last week was the knowledge that websites are being developed in order to make the internet a valuable tool for scholars who want to know about the contributions of nuns.
Only recently has the world become aware that women religious communities have been responsible for building and staffing thousands of schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and orphanages in this country. However, getting those stories into the public arena is a growing concern.
In a collaborative effort, leaders from eight Catholic universities (Boston College, The Catholic University of America, Georgetown University, Marquette University, University of Notre Dame, St. Edwards University, University of San Diego, and Seton Hall University) in the United States formed the Catholic Research Resources Alliance (CRRA).
The mission of the CRRA is to provide global access to Catholic research resources. They hope to provide access to rare, unique and uncommon research materials which are held by college, university, and seminary libraries and archives in North America. While these resources may be abundant, they are scattered among many special collections and archives. Sometimes they are documented but often they are only in the mind of the archivist or librarian.
Thus far, the CRRA has identified twelve primary collecting themes:
1. Catholic education
2. Catholic intellectual life
3. Catholic literary figures
4. Catholic liturgy and devotion
5. Catholic missions
6. Catholic social action
7. Diocesan collections, including papers of Bishops
8. Men's religious orders
9. Peace building
10. Religion and citizenship
11. Vatican II
12. Women's religious orders
The "Catholic Portal," is already an invaluable contribution to the intellectual tradition, but it promises to be even better as its pool of members increases and treasures are discovered. It is just a click away:
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Starbucks Revisited
In finishing a hectic week of work, it was delightful of God to send me a reminder through a four year old– to live exuberantly in the present moment , to delight in anticipation of tomorrow’s celebration and to hold on to the hope of a dream for the future. If you want to inherit the kingdom, you must become like a child. It is simply amazing how God shows up at a coffee shop!
by Trish Dick, OSB
Thursday, July 1, 2010
July Musings
Here at the monastery we have the wonderful celebration of July 11: the feast of St. Benedict and with it the honoring of our golden and silver jubilarians. There are nine of the former and two of the latter this year. The occasion allows us, in fact, encourages each of us Sisters to renew our own commitment to our vowed life as Benedictines. I am in my 54th year in this community; some days it seems all of that, but mostly the years have flown by and I am still looking forward more than backward. God is good, and so is this life.