Thursday, October 27, 2016

I’m a Middle-Aged Woman who Enjoys Knitting!

Hello Sisters and Friends!

Before I dig into the meat of my time here in Bristow, I first want to give a warm thanks to all the sisters who sent me letters via “nun mail.” I truly appreciate you all keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. Please know I have not forgotten about any of you.

For the most part, I have pretty much adjusted to living in the monastery. I completely gave up on attending 6:30 morning prayer. I felt it was in my best interest and those around me. Mornings and I just don’t mix. It’s hard to believe that I’ve been in Bristow for only two months. I’ve created special bonds with many of the sisters already. One would think that we have known each other for years.

Every Sunday night after supper, I play Rummy with Sister Mary Ellen, Sister Henry Marie and Bethany. I always end up losing, but it feels good to be in the midst of great company! Although, I enjoy the company of the sisters, I feel myself turning into a middle-aged woman. Never in a million years would I think that I would find solace in knitting and watching “Jeopardy!” And never in a million years did I think that I would get excited about buying yarn. These are things that I am slowly but surely learning about myself. That’s the great, yet terrifying, thing about going some place different. You are placed in situations where you are forced to experience new things.

In the beginning of October, Bethany and I went rock climbing. Anyone who knows me understands that I am terrified of heights. I chickened out the first two tries, but by the third try I had made it all the way to the top. That moment alone was an experience I will always remember. I couldn’t help but relate this to my faith in God. I am going through a lot of changes in my life. I will be getting married soon, I will be starting my master’s degree program and, in the near, near, near, future become someone’s mother. These are all things that terrify me. But I know that if I cast my troubles and fears aside, God will see me to the top! I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


God Bless!

Mo Shannon, BWSC Volunteer

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