Human-made systems, like education, politics, healthcare etc. have a difficult time maintaining the achievement of their initial goals. Human-made systems easily become encumbered with rigidly structured elements. Adding complex structure easily constricts organic flow, and therefore ultimately tends to "break" or turn into "paralyzed-obsolescence" the system's initial effectiveness.
Natural healing approaches such as acupressure seem to acknowledge the body's desire to maintain its simple and organic nature by gently nudging its self-healing flow. Unduly heavy nudges hold the risk of introducing structural course-corrections that may overpower the existing self-correcting body mechanisms. In a life-threatening crisis or accident, major structural corrections immediately need to be made by wonderfully skilled practitioners. For other situations, there are amazing natural nudges which have been used for centuries that frequently help the body remember its original resilience.
God certainly is the ideal model-maker for organic simplicity and flow. It's another whole dimension to choose to follow the invitation to incorporate those two elements in my daily healthy living choices. One can only keep trying.
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