Thursday, March 21, 2019

A Touch of Spring

Photo: Karen Streveler, OSB

At this point when our calendars mark the spring equinox, the skies are emptying out lots of of snow upon Mother Earth. I also received an email entitled "A Touch of Spring" with the subtitle, "We're all ready for a bit of spring." I love snow, but this time the irony was more than I could resist. I was delighted, opened the attachment and found an interactive piece before me.

Using the mouse, I could click as often and wherever I chose on a completely black screen. Frankly, I went a bit wild! At one little click, I could present to the black screen a multitude of flowers, spring flowers. In a matter of seconds, I felt as if I were a creator of beauty. Soon I had a veritable flower garden! Fresh spring green leaves and stems, sky-blue flowers, yellow daisies, bubble-like and graceful fronds, orange, purple, peach blossoms popped up wherever I chose to place them. Some were double-petaled, tall and proud; others bent over slightly, forming a graceful welcome to my eye. There were larger flowers, the size of a quarter, and tiny ones, the size of an earring. Sometimes there were different kinds of flowers rising out of the same stem. One was in the form of a cross; all the rest shouted out "New Life" or "Resurrection" or "Come alive; yes, YOU too!" There were even firecracker blossoms. If I stayed in the same spot on the screen and clicked multiple times at that spot, I marveled at the wonderful overlapping colors, textures and designs. Everything seemed to fit; everything was full of light.

A TOUCH OF SPRING? Oh yes! Yet there was more. For me, it was a reminder of how God must have delighted in creation...and still delights in that creation, every new season. It's no surprise, then, that God saw that it was good, that it was very good!

Renée Domeier, OSB

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