Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Seeing Something Beautiful

When you see something beautiful for the first time, how do you react to the beauty in the moment? Recall that we have just celebrated Easter, a time in the liturgical year when we are remembering the Resurrection of Jesus. For a moment, I want you to put yourself at the entrance of that empty tomb. As you peer inside, what do you see?

We all know the story. Mary looks in and asks, “Where have you taken him?” At that instant, Jesus calls Mary by name; imagine it is you whom Jesus is calling. Visualize the beauty of seeing Jesus alive at the entrance of tomb. When I envision myself at the tomb, I am speechless. My heart simply overflows with such love. It is a feeling of love that words cannot describe. At Saint Benedict’s Monastery during our Easter morning Eucharist, we hear the Gospel sung in three voices. The three voices add to the beauty and mystery of the moment. We not only hear the beauty of the Resurrection, but if we pay attention, we will see Jesus alive in one another. Easter is when the first flowers of spring break through the earth, and we begin to see beautiful flowers beginning to grow. Therefore, I encourage you to take time to see the beauty that surrounds you every day and thank God for the moment.

If you would like more information about Saint Benedict’s Monastery please contact Sister Lisa Rose at lrose@csbsju.edu.

Lisa Rose, OSB

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