Father, Infinitely
Creative Wisdom-energy, manifest your presence, especially when you seem
absolutely absent. Create yet another
way for me to experience your presence in the discomforting voice of prophets scorned
for their acts of humble inclusiveness.
And help me see your face each time others open my self-protective
wounds, igniting defensive anger. Because you sustain both them and me with
life, let your vision of our hidden “sweet soul”, soften my gaze and allow me
to whisper a blessing on the other. For
I know that in your compassion, you always allow a blessing to spark God-ness in both sender and receiver,
so that mutual-God-ness can burst into flame, and manifest as “Children of
God”, “Thy kin-dom come”. I ask this in
the name of your Son, Embodied
Wisdom-energy, and your life-giving Spirit, Transformative Wisdom-Energy.
Mary Rachel Kuebelbeck, OSB
Mary Rachel Kuebelbeck, OSB
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