Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lenten Lessons

I have always loved the season of Lent. I know - it's an odd season to love. But I like the simplicity, the paring down, getting rid of the "frills" of life. I think I like the fact that I can make a decision to give something up, read a special book, or perform a charitable act.

Somehow this Lent isn't quite measuring up to my expectations. Instead of reveling in simplicitty, life seems a little dull. Identifying that has made me realize that maybe the dullness is giving me more of a Lenten experience that my normal, rather ebullient, approach. I'm having to give my sense of dullness over to God and trust that it won't last forever. I'm learning the lesson that I'm not in control of things the way I am when I decide what my Lenten practice will be. Not being in control, which we never really are, and giving the uncertainty that this creates over to God, are teaching me a true Lenten lesson. They're also making me look forward to the bursting of the Easter light in a whole new way. So, I think I can end by saying that I'm grateful for my dull Lent.

Karen Rose, OSB

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