Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Pro-Life It

Sister Kara Hennes hugging Sister Michaela Hedican,
taken by Sister Nancy Bauer
As we begin the new year, 2020, I am reminded of a conversation I had last summer. During the conversation, the topic of pro-life became very important. As the conversation deepened, I was hearing myself articulate, “Pro-Life is an everyday occurrence, if we believe it goes beyond the medical field.” I really believe pro-life is everything. 

Pro-life is an everyday happening. It shows up in how we relate to one another. So, I ask myself every day, “How do I give life to others?” It may come through a conversation, a greeting, or listening with the ear of my heart, something Saint Benedict asks us to do during our prayer. For me, this expanded view point of pro-life is life giving; hopefully I will express it to the people I encounter every day. I know I can spread happiness and brighten someone’s day by being present to them in that moment. With this understanding, my resolution for 2020 is to give life to everyone I meet. At Saint Benedict’s Monastery, I have the opportunity every day as I acknowledge my sisters, our employees, students on campus and guests who visit us. A new saying for me is "Pro-Life It."

If you would like more information about our common journey at Saint Benedict’s Monastery, please contact Sister Lisa Rose at lrose@csbsju.edu.

Lisa Rose, OSB

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