Mary Reuter, OSB is currently the Novice Director for our community.
In a documentary about the monkeys of Shangri-la in the
Himalayas,1 I watched one youngster that was rejected by the other
monkeys, including his mother. He was
left to learn by himself how to manage his life, stay connected with the “troop”
(band of monkeys), and forage for food. He became under-nourished and socially isolated.

When, in the midst of a day has someone made a comment of acknowledgement
to you and you felt a boost forward? When have you been struggling in making a decision and an unexpected
breakthrough made a freeing shift in your perspective and insight? You realized once again that there is a power
beyond you and you can count on it for good. And this power is God. When have
you needed help with a task and someone volunteered her services? You were pulled from feeling vulnerable and
overwhelmed to relief and accomplishment. “I will praise you, God, and give you thanks” (adapted Ps. 30:1,4).
When have you extended a hand or arm to pull someone a little
farther on one of their limbs of life? When might you have been an instrument of God who says, “I pulled you
out of the pit” (Ps. 30)—the pit of whatever is burdensome, fearful, painful,
unfree . . . . And you respond: “I will
praise you . . . , my God. I will give thanks to your forever” (adapted Ps. 30:12).
Mary Reuter, OSB