Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Learning on the Job

My new job as Communications Director is a real challenge. It's not so much the job. I know that as I work into it, I'll get faster, handle things that, at present, are new and scary with greater confidence as they become familiar. I'm looking forward to that.

What is really the challenge is starting a new job and making it a part of my monastic life. It would be so easy to say , "I need to finish this announcement. I can't go to prayers." Self-discipline helps with that. I consciously ask myself, "Is it more important to finish this or to spend time with God, which is what you committed to?" I'm usually able to prioritize and prayers win.

What is even harder, in the whirl of the day, is not be dismayed by another request coming in, just as I see light at the end of the tunnel, and think I'll finally have a chance to get to grips with some planning. I have to remind myself that Christ is in the person making the request, and that this is a chance to see Him there, and to treat the person accordingly.

Even greater is the challenge to remember that my work is not taking me away from monastic life; it is the means through which I'm being asked to live my monastic commitment at this time. I'm not finding any of this easy, but I'm grateful that I don't, because I know that it is a blessing to be challenged like this. It's a great opportunity for transformation. I'm learning on the job a new way to be transformed. And, after all, I came here to be transformed.

Karen Rose, O.S.B.

1 comment:

  1. Sister Karen, glad to see you blogging again. I had forgotten to check here. I so identify with your statement, "Even greater is the challenge to remember that my work is not taking me away from monastic life; it is the means through which I'm being asked to live my monastic commitment at this time." I find it true for me too as I work at our retreat center: work as prayer. I'm living my commitment in the cutting of grass, cleaning of a cabin, fixing of a sink. It's the life we've said "yes" to where our transformations are taking place. Blessings!
