Given the recent tragedy in Arizona, I am trying to think of ways to remember that more human beings mean to do good for the world than the few who act out their aggressions and disagreements through violent acts.
I have been reading the book I will be using in my class beginning on Monday. If you have not read Stones into Schools by Greg Mortenson, I highly recommend it as a rich tonic for thinking about how good humans are. I pray daily that when I look upon another face, I see the face of Christ, and I want to believe and know that with my whole heart.
Three Cups of Tea was Mortenson's first book about his work in Pakistan. But you do not need to have read his first book to thoroughly love this book about building schools for girls in Afghanistan. An ordinary guy, Greg Mortenson lives with his family in Livingston, Montana, when he is not in Afghanistan or on the road fundraising for CAI (Central Asia Institute) which has helped him promote more than 145 schools for girls in these remote regions.
I especially like what Admiral Mike Mullen has said about Mortenson, "What Greg understands better than most--and what he practices more than anyone else I know--is the simple truth that all of us are better off when all of us have the opportunity to learn, especially our children. By helping them learn and grow, he's shaping the very future of a region and giving hope to an entire generation."
Once again the power of story has raised my spirits and given me new hope because of one person's passionate determination to do good.
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