Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Holy Ones Among Us

Monastic Cemetery
(Photo by Nancy Bauer, OSB)
Fortunately, the monastic cemetery of over 1000 sisters is available right on our monastery/college campus.  In addition, right next to our cemetery is the cemetery for the local St. Joseph parish church where equal numbers of holy ones are resting.  Recently I have been walking among the markers of sisters I have known over the past 60 years.  So many remind me of things they have taught me during their lifetime.  There are community leaders that walked through amazing times of change and had to go forward with incredible faith to withstand waves of opposition to their decisions.  In the end, their faith-walk has helped each person in the community evolve. 
There are sisters that spent their entire energy in support of social justice or faithfully supporting the sisters they lived with by having warm bread and kind words ready for whoever entered their kitchen. Each sister or parish member carries their uniquely hidden ways of saying “yes” to their call to connect their God-gifts and the tender transformation of the persons around them.  Most of these humble and authentic persons would be shocked at how many people they have taught important life lessons.

As Baba Dioum says, “In the end we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught”. These expressions of the continually transforming love of God seem to create a single heartbeat of the divine in all that is.

Mary Rachel Kuebelbeck, OSB

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