Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Roses in December

Photo: Karen Streveler, OSB
Tomorrow, December 12, at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, thousands will honor the beloved Virgin-Mother who visited a simple and humble Aztec peasant at a time when the Indian population was oppressed by conquistadors who considered them less than rational beings . . .and who were consequently killed or depressed by the loss of faith in the gods of their ancestors.  It is believed that, in the person of his gentle Mother, God visited Mexico at Tepeyac for the purpose of favoring the people “like dear little children.”  She spoke to Juan Diego in the most affectionate words, treating him as a son and promising to be his Mother.  She made known to him the outstanding dignity that was his and offered him. . .and all like him. . .her protection and eagerness to soothe, heal, and listen to their prayers.  No wonder Our Lady is beloved by the Latino peoples; she appeared on their land! She was brown as they are brown. She wore a garb filled with indigenous as well as Biblical symbols. She chose a poor and powerless Indian to be the bearer of her message as well as her image within his tilma to  Bishop Zumárraga: that “he be kind enough to build her a little temple where she could hear their weeping, their sadness , so that she might purify and heal all their different afflictions, pains and sorrows.” *

And is it not a splendid gift and grace that Our Lady of Guadalupe was also declared Patroness of all the Americas? She is our “morenita” too!

Bishop Donald Kettler will be with us as we celebrate a Mass in her honor at St. John’s Abbey Church at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 15.

Please come to the fiesta!

* A Mexican Spirituality of Divine Election for a Mission by  F.R.Schulte
Renee Domeier, OSB

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